For the last two years I’ve supported first-year courses in Auburn’s Business-Engineering-Technology (BET) minor as a teaching assistant and occasional lecturer. This Fall I was given the opportunity to take over those courses as the instructor of record. 26 lectures, 850+ new slides, and more assignments / grading than I’d like to think about later, my inaugural semester for BET 3520 and 3560 is all but over.

To celebrate I thought I’d share the following deck, a version of which was used to do the final exam review for 3520. It condenses over 400 slides worth of material, spanning more than 22 hours of traditional lectures (delivered via zoom, of course, #COVID), into about 70 slides that highlight about 30% of the semester’s total content.

An embedded PDF viewer should show up below, but it can be finicky. Give it a second or try refreshing. Otherwise, you can view / download it on GitHub.